Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chinese New Year! :)

Blessed Chinese New Year to all who are checking in! :) We hope you are all having a wonderful time of reunion and fellowship with loved ones. Since we are in the throes of the Chinese New Year, we thought we'd bring you a testimony from a recent China mission trip.

2010 was quite a year for Sis Aiye who recently received Christ. She was baptised in April, went for for her first church camp in June, and ended the year with her first mission trip in December to Kunming, China. We hope that her testimony will encourage you to step out in faith in 2011! :)

Initially, I was hesitant to go for this mission trip. For someone who has recently received Jesus, I wasn't confident of sharing the gospel with others, and was also warming up to my cell group, thinking that I could be out of place.

My cell group, however, assured me that I will be greatly blessed during the trip. I never understood it until I was there to experience the amazing work of God unfold before my eyes. There were several experiences that our group encountered and we could all feel that God’s presence was very real. God is a loving God and He protects and provides for His children in all circumstances.

On one particular occasion, we really felt the Lord’s protection during a perilous ride down the mountain. More than 20 of us were squeezed together at the back of the lorry, standing up and clinging on to one another for our dear lives, as there was not enough space for everyone to sit. While fear was on our minds, we did not succumb but instead sang songs of worship. I could feel the peace as I looked up into the sky and really resonated with something that my cell group leader said: “God was smiling at us from up above when we sang songs of worship to Him.”

During this trip, I realised that I am very fortunate to have access to Bibles and study aids in Singapore. This isn't so in China, particularly for the rural minority tribes. Though resources are scarce for them, their desire to know and to read the Word is more enthusiastic.

I was moved knowing that many of them travelled long distances to fellowship and to seek the Word of God. Witnessing this desire within them made me recognise that I could do much more.

I received abundantly during this mission trip and learned about complete faith in the Lord in all things. Only by faith will we accomplish great works in the Lord!