Monday, October 18, 2010

Cambodia Children's Camp 2010

During the September school holidays, a team of about 60 people (including three of us from the editorial team!) headed up to Sihanoukville in Cambodia for only the second combined children's camp. About 300 children from NHO's nine orphanages gathered for a time of worship, bible study, fun, games, fellowship, culminating in an emotional baptism at the beach.

Singapore team at the airport eagerly awaiting departure to Cambodia

Sis Juliana shared this testimony after returning home from the camp:

I have been involved in the work in Cambodia since going for the first children's camp back in 2006. It proved to be an unforgettable experience, and I was filled with so much joy serving the children. My life was changed from that trip onwards, and I have never looked back since.

In my interactions with the orphans, I realise that they are all seeking love and direction in life. Most of them have experienced much rejection and have gone through a lot of hardship, even at this tender age. Apart from material provision, their hearts are crying out for a caring touch, a loving hug, a human face. God calls pure religion as reaching out to widows and orphans, and I believe this is where we can be obedient.

A friendly smile and loving hug, and a shirt full of yummies! ;)

Hudson Taylor once said: “God's work, done in God's ways, never lack God's provision.” From the start of this trip, I began to see the wisdom behind these words. Even before we set off, my part-time helper passed me a love offering from a friend of hers, because she was touched to hear what we were planning to do on this trip. I was so pleasantly surprised by this: truly God can touch anyone to give, even when we least expect it! In the months leading up to the trip, sponsorship also poured in for coloured pencils, towels, toothbrush, rulers, water bottles, cash, chocolates, candies, etc.

Distribution of kits to the kids

Upon hearing that we were organising the camp for orphans, the owner of the resort (also an orphan himself) was also extremely touched by what we were doing. He gave us a special discount for our stay there, and provided us sumptuous meals and tea breaks with extra treats for the children.

Treats for everyone!

We split the children into different age groups for the teaching sessions, and I was involved in the MasterLife training for the caregivers and the older children. I was humbled to see how hungry they were for God's word. The sessions were filled with excitement and enthusiasm, with heartfelt, honest emotional sharing from the children and adults alike.

MasterLife session with the older children and caretakers

The massive logistics and budgeting tasks aside, I was just so happy to see how the children have grown from the last time I saw them. In the children and the caretakers, I saw so much joy and the amazing transformation work that God has done in their lives. I was incredibly blessed to spend time with my sponsored son, and to witness other sponsor parents meet their sponsored children, some for the first time. To see the smiles and excitement in their faces is something extremely overwhelming and heartwarming all at once.

Group shot with the kids! :)

You can check out more on the work in Cambodia via their new website here!

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