Sunday, September 19, 2010

Missionary Updates from Thailand

Vincent & Judy are our missionary couple who are serving in Thailand. Vincent has been there since April 2004, and Judy joined him in February 2009, shortly after they were married in Singapore. Regular updates can be found on both their blogs.

About four weeks ago, the cell group in Gu Thong village received a visitation of the Holy Spirit. Four ladies who attended cell that day received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and broke out in tongues. Among them were new believers and long-time Christians alike.

Cell group in Gu Thong village

For three months, they have been searching for a suitable language teacher for Judy. After praying, the Lord graciously led us to meet up with Ajarn Angul, whom she has started lessons with. She will also be receiving instruction in Christian Communication with a fellow Christian to learn the necessary language for communicating spiritual topics. It is Judy’s hope that as she embarks on this season of intense language studies, she will be able to apply and retain the vocabulary and language components in every aspect of daily Thai living.

Even though Vincent has never been trained in children’s ministry,God has been faithfully blessing this work and causing it to grow. Already we are starting to see a regular stream of children ranging from the age of four to eleven. Each Tuesday the children are given craftwork to do, taught to sing Christian songs, and then told a Bible story. It is Vincent’s hope that this ministry will plant seeds in the lives of the children to know God personally.

Children's ministry in Nong Weng village

You can help to pray for:
  1. Vincent and Judy’s health and physical well-being to keep up with the demands of their ministry
  2. Clarity and guidance from the Lord in reaching out to the youths and building up relationships with them
  3. Continual protection over the work in Gu Thong Village, that cell members consistently pray in tongues and to grow up in the knowledge of the Lord
  4. Children in Nong Weng Village to receive revelation of the Lord, that they may know Him more
  5. Judy to persevere in learning and applying Thai, that she will be single-minded in pursuing excellence in the Thai language


  1. Thank you for setting up this blog! Excellent guys!

    - Vincent Lai

  2. We will officially be launching it in church this weekend! Still under construction in the meantime! ;)
