Sunday, August 29, 2010

Miracles in Batam

Pastor Edward led a team of short term mission trippers to Batam, Indonesia. Apart from seeing growth from their previous trip there, they also saw first-hand miraculous healings by God over the people there:

We visited and prayed for the sick, which included those with colon cancer, heart problems, broken arms and legs. There was a brother who suffered from stroke, and when we first met him, he could not even bend his fingers. After we prayed for him, he experienced God's miraculous healing and started lifting his hands and praising God! Barren women that we prayed for in our last visit are now in advanced stages of their pregnancies.

In one of the services that we attended, people were so moved by God during the altar call, that many came forward weeping. It was an awesome time of communion with God.

Finally, we also met a brother who was in a car accident during a thunderstorm. Many had tried to spread the gospel with him to no avail. However as we shared with him of how God has preserved him from death, he was moved by the Spirit to salvation!

Sister Mavis Ho had this to add:

Overall, the Batam trip was indeed an eye opener for me as it was my first trip there. It was great to be surrounded by God’s people and as we sang and prayed earnestly. We also prayer walked at the new land parcel slated for a new church building, and made many house visitations.

The trip reminded me that my own problems are not the biggest things in my life, only Jesus is. I am also more mindful of the needs of people around me now, and also more confident that I can help others and how God can use me to help others.

Praise and worship in Batam

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