Saturday, January 22, 2011

Missionary Updates from Thailand

It's been a busy few months for us -- mission trips, Christmas celebrations, catching up with old friends and making new ones. :) Our schedule looks to have finally settled down, and we hope to bring you more regular updates here. For a start, we have now included an email subscription feature (scroll down to the bottom of the right panel)! Yes, now you can sign up to receive an email whenever a new entry goes up on the blog. Yikes, has it been a whole month since the last post? :S

Today we thought we'd catch up with our friends Vincent and Judy in Thailand. This is a rather belated update, but here goes anyway... Let's check out what they've been up to in the later part of 2010! :)

Every Friday afternoon, the church runs a class for training and equipping cell group leaders and potential leaders. As Vincent is part of the team that runs the training, it has been gratifying to see the leaders gain more confidence in leading their groups. At the same time, God has also blessed the cell groups with new members.

Leaders' training

Since August Vincent has been reaching out to a group of boys living in the Don Pathana slums, which is one of the poorest slums in Khon Kaen. As Vincent is already acquainted with these boys aged 10-15 from previous ministry work, he is now working on strengthening his relationship with them.

Most of these boys are school drop-outs and live in a very harsh environment. Many of them come from broken families, while some have alcoholic parents who are addicted to gambling. With no one to care for or teach them, their literacy level is very low. Their priority in life is solely to have fun, which can sometimes lead them to danger. Presently Vincent hopes to share God’s love with these boys and impact them someway somehow. Your prayers are much coveted in this work!

Outreach to slum boys

The English youth cell that Vincent and Judy oversee have seen many changes over the past few months. They have found ourselves competing for the time of the youths alongside with their many extracurricular activities. Like the typical Thai youngster hailing from a well-to-do background, these youths have many commitments such as extra music classes, tuition, cheerleading, etc. Often cell attendance has been reduced to but two or three persons.

Also the cell now consists exclusively of girls as the boys have either moved away or dropped out. This means that the cell is now mostly under the charge of Judy, who unfortunately struggles with meeting even the basic communication needs of the members. Please continue to keep this cell group in your prayers.

English youth cell

Please continue to keep Vincent and Judy in your prayers, for them, for their ministry, and for their family back home. And just to add an exciting piece of news... God has also blessed them with a precious baby girl, the proud father-to-be has uploaded her ultrasound pictures on his blog! ;)

Finally, here's leaving you with a clip of the women's ministry work that went on in the past month. Tammy and Ps Yvonne were there, and looking at the photos, I wish I had gone too! :P

You can read more about Vincent and Judy's work from a previous update here, or on their blogs found in the sidebar. :)

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